Monday Night Live-Stream

We are bringing back our regular livestreams. Now affectionately called Monday Night Live-Stream

Our live streams go out completely live on Facebook and YouTube. They are a mix of live music and interactive chat. The chat is completely viewer led, but generally it is a mix of what we have been up to during the week and any upcoming news. Each week we give viewers a chance to submit requests or shout out songs during the stream – if we know the song we will play it.

The Night Hearts Live Stream
The Night Hearts Live Stream

Our live streams go out live on our Facebook and YouTube channels

You can keep up to date with when our live streams will be by checking out the ‘Gigs’ section of this site.


We are bringing back our regular livestreams. Our live streams go out completely live on Facebook and YouTube. They are a mix of live music and interactive chat. The chat is completely viewer led, but generally it is a mix of what we have been up to during the week and any upcoming news. Each week we give viewers a chance to submit requests or shout out songs during the stream – if we know the song we will play it.

The Night Hearts Live Stream
The Night Hearts Live Stream

Our next stream is on Monday 17th June at 8pm. You can find it on our Facebook and YouTube

You can keep up to date with when our live streams will be by checking out the ‘Gigs’ section of this site.

Supporting US Duo Royal South

We are delighted to announce that we will supporting US Duo Royal South in The Black Box, Belfast on 1st April

We cannot wait for this gig. We previously supported Royal South in the American Bar and we cannot wait to do it all over again in the amazing Black Box.

There are a limited number of tickets available – CLICK HERE to get your tickets now

The Night Hearts supporting US duo Royal South in Black Box Belfast

The Rising / Name Change

The Rising change name to The Night Hearts – what is happening here ??

Over the last few months we have been doing quite a lot of thinking about our future.

Recently, we released an EP called “Live In The Limelight”. This EP was originally slated to be our LAST RELEASE. Our gig in Birmingham’s Nashville Sounds In The Round was supposed to be our LAST GIG EVER and we had planned to announce this at the show.

With two nightmare years which ended in getting taken for ride by a bogus Sync company we knew that something had to change. 

We had also grown increasingly frustrated with the UK Country scene over the years. We got too comfortable being the Outsiders – everyone’s favourite underdog that we started to believe we weren’t worth the time or effort.

So our original plan was to deliver the album and disappear into the night and go about our lives outside of music. 

But something happened at Nashville Sounds In The Round in Birmingham. The way the audience engaged with us completely changed our minds and we looked at each other mid-show and said “maybe we should re-think our plans. So the reason we had tagged Nashville Sounds In The Round in this post is because that gig literally changed our lives and we couldn’t be more grateful to Gasoline & Matches for bringing us over and to the audience that day. 

So we have decided the best course of action is to change our name from The Rising to The Night Hearts. Something that will give us a fresh start and springboard into the future. So if you start to notice our socials change – don’t be alarmed… it is still us. 

From this point onwards – We Are… The Night Hearts